Top 7 tips to pass your GPhC exam


E.C | Pharmacist

11/6/20222 min read

person writing on white paper
person writing on white paper

The GPhC exam is an important step to fully qualify as a pharmacist in UK. This articles shows you the best tips to easily pass the exam.

Below you can find the top 7 tips to pass your GPhC exam:

  1. Revise regularly

    Revising regularly helps to remember things easily and making a revision plan and sticking to it is one of the keys to pass the exam. You can use the GPhC assessment framework to plan the revision content and which sections you need to focus most. The best advise would be to start doing this as early as you can.

  2. Practice questions regularly

    Practicing questions regularly helps you get familiar with the format of the exam and the questions. Also, if you check the questions on the past papers from different years, they all have the same patterns. Sometimes you might even get similar questions in the real exam, so practicing regularly is one of the keys to success! Some recommended books you can practice are: MCQs in Pharmaceutical Calculations, Pharmacy Registration Assessment Questions.

  3. Do mock exams

    Doing mock exams can help you in practicing as you are in a real exam.

    Royal Pharmaceutical society (RPS), PharmEducate, Propharmace are some websites you can book a mock exam which will be delivered in the same conditions as the real exam.

  4. Get familiar with resource packs

    Make sure to gather all the resources needed for your revision such as the BNF, National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines, electronic medicine compendium (emc), and clinical knowledge summaries (CKS). This will help for your revision but also some of the questions on the exams are based on attached pieces of these resources. Try looking at the questions from past papers which contain these sources, so you get familiar with the format of these questions.

  5. Join a revision group

    Joining a revision group can be quite beneficial as it can help you get more familiar with process of the exam, asking questions, sharing resource materials. You can find professional revision groups in websites such as Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA), the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and the UKBPA.

  6. Make your own notes

    Making your own notes helps you to remember things easily and also focus on the key information. It is also easier to skim through your notes before your exam due to the information being more concise. Using diagrams and flash cards, can be quite helpful as well as a method of revision. It is always good to find the right method that suits you the best.

  7. Stay calm during the exam and read questions carefully

    When you arrive to the test centre , make sure all the documents required and the equipments are there.  When starting the exam, take a deep breath and don't stress out. Read the questions thoroughly. Highlight key information and eliminate unnecessary details. Focus on the words highlighted in bold, they are an important part of the question. Good luck!

*If you need more study materials and questions, please email us in

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