Pharmacist job: in UK shortage occupation list?


E.C | Pharmacist

11/13/20222 min read

On 1st of December 2020, the                  website published a list for all shortage occupations in healthcare and education where the pharmacist job was listed as one of them. As we know, 2020 is the year of COVID-19 pandemic, so the question is what happened that caused a pharmacist shortage area wise in UK?

Pharmacists play a critical role in the healthcare system, responsible for dispensing medications and providing advice and guidance to patients. In the UK, the demand for pharmacists has been on the rise, leading to a shortage of qualified professionals in this field. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why the pharmacist job is in the occupation shortage list in the UK.

  1. An ageing population

As the UK population continues to age, the demand for healthcare services has increased. This has led to an increase in the number of prescriptions being written, which in turn has increased the demand for pharmacists to dispense these medications and provide advice to patients.

  1. Expansion of healthcare services

The UK healthcare system has undergone significant expansion in recent years, with the introduction of new services such as community pharmacies and vaccination clinics. These new services have created a need for additional pharmacists to support their operations.

  1. Changes to pharmacist roles

Pharmacists are no longer just responsible for dispensing medications. Their roles have expanded to include providing clinical services such as health checks, immunizations, and advice on minor ailments. This has created a need for additional pharmacists who have the necessary skills and qualifications to perform these new tasks.

  1. Brexit

Brexit has had an impact on the supply of pharmacists in the UK. Many EU-trained pharmacists who were previously able to work in the UK are now facing uncertainty regarding their immigration status, leading to a decrease in the number of qualified professionals available for hire.

  1. Training and education

There is a shortage of qualified pharmacists in the UK due to a lack of training and education opportunities. Many students are deterred from pursuing a career in pharmacy due to the high cost of tuition and the length of the training required. Additionally, the limited number of training programs available means that there are fewer qualified pharmacists entering the workforce each year.

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